The 10 Best Manifestation Books for Attracting What You Want

Interested in learning how to manifest your dreams and desires? Or, are you looking for some guidance on how to live a more positive and productive life?

Manifesting is a practice that is easy to learn but hard to do. That’s why we’ve put together this list of the best manifestation books for you. From daily meditation practices to the importance of spirituality, to a more scientific approach to manifesting – we’ve got you covered.

Start living the joyous and fulfilling life you want today by reading one of these amazing books on manifestation. You won’t regret it!

Continue reading to find the best books about manifestation.

How We Choose

It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to meditation and manifestion, and many people feel like they're not doing it right if they don't have a lot of experience. 

With all the different techniques and methods for meditating, it's no wonder that so many people feel lost and confused about how to get started.

We've done the research for you and found the best book to help you start your meditation journey. These books are packed with tips, tricks, and exercises to help you get into a daily routine and see results quickly.

Dear Universe
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Why People Love This Book

Readers love this book because it offers a simple method for aligning with the Universe to manifest what they desire. It is full of personal stories and examples that help illustrate the author's points.

This book is a wonderful and thoughtful guide through the emotions and helps move through feelings like fear and anxiety to abundance, gratitude, and love.

Sarah Prout brings her personal experiences to her readers in such an authentic and honest way. She creates a sacred safe place to be and grow.

What You Should Know About The Author

Sarah Prout is an internationally bestselling author, intuitive mentor, and host of the Manifest podcast.

Named a “Manifestation Guru” by Cosmopolitan Magazine, Sarah has inspired millions of people with her words on emotional empowerment, intuitive wisdom, and heart-based healing.

Sarah is the founder of the manifestation brand The Moon Deck and the online academy Soul School.

Through her work, Sarah has helped people around the world connect with their intuition, release emotional blocks, and create more abundance in their lives.

In addition to her writing and teaching work, Sarah is also a certified yoga instructor and Reiki practitioner.

Sarah’s passion for helping others live their best lives is evident in all that she does, and she is truly dedicated to making a difference in the world.

If you’re looking for an author who is down-to-earth, relatable, and full of wisdom, Sarah Prout is a perfect choice.

The Magic of Manifesting
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Why People Love This Book

People love this book because it is one of the best attraction books on manifestation that takes a scientific approach. It is easy to read and provides helpful tips on how to manifest your desires.

This book covers a variety of concepts surrounding different aspects of life, in which I learn so much about the abundance mindset, law of attraction, gratitude, etc. it drastically changes your point of view and the way you look at the world, for the better.

What You Should Know About The Author

Ryuu Shinohara is a metaphysics philosopher and researcher. He draws toward unpacking and understanding the hidden laws of life.

Ryuu has a passion for teaching others about the proven and timeless principles of reality (both mystical and scientific) that he has come to adopt and get results with throughout his life.

In his research, Ryuu looks at how the Universe works, what some of the hidden laws are, and how we can use these laws to improve our lives in the present moment.

Additionally, Ryuu has a blog and podcast where he shares his knowledge with those who want to learn more about these topics.

Through his work, Ryuu hopes to help others live more joyful and fulfilling lives.

Super Attractor
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Why People Love This Book

Readers love this book because it's relatable, practical, and provides actionable steps to manifesting their best life. 

They love that it speaks to those of us who default to fear, who are in a state of lack, and - most importantly - want to have fun co-creating our lives.

This book is beautifully written and incredibly accessible. It talks about the importance of spiritual enlightenment and allowing our angels and the Universe to help us.

If you're ready to attract more love, more money, more joy, and more abundance into your life, then this book is for you.

What You Should Know About The Author

In just a few short years, Gabrielle Bernstein has made quite a name for herself. Described by the New York Times as the next-generation guru, she is a motivational speaker, life coach, and author who has inspired audiences all over the country.

With her upbeat message and relatable approach, it's no wonder she's been featured on Oprah Radio, Marie Claire, Health, Self, CNN, NBC, CBS, FOX, and The Wall Street Journal.

Her accomplishments have also earned her a spot on the Forbes list of the 20 Best Branded Women. Whether she's leading a seminar or giving a talk, Gabrielle Bernstein is making a positive impact on the world one person at a time.

Good Vibes, Good Life
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Why People Love This Book

People love this book because it's an easy read that gets straight to the point. It's also short and sweet. It is as equal parts a personal growth book and a personal disruption book.

This book disrupts the way you see and accept the world by providing real and relatable stories, examples, and situations.

All while equipping you with the tools you need in order to better your current reality and in turn your life.

What You Should Know About The Author

Vex King is a Number 1 Sunday Times Bestselling author, social media content creator, and mind coach.

As a major voice in the world of personal development, Vex shares a deep inspiring spiritual journey and knowledge in a way that's easy to understand, with stories from his own life, great inspirational quotes, and practical solutions.

He is also the founder of Mindful Living Global, a social enterprise that delivers mindfulness education to schools and workplaces.

Vex has a passion for helping people to live more fulfilling lives, and his work has been featured in The Guardian, Cosmopolitan, Soul & Spirit Magazine, and on BBC Radio.

If you're looking for some inspiration to help you on your own manifestation journey, be sure to check out Vex King.

Infinite Possibilities
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Why People Love This Book

Readers love this book because it is full of Mike Dooley's trademark humor, wit, and wisdom. 

The book helped them focus on what is important and brush up on intention, thoughts become things, and attract what they want in life.

In addition, the book provides readers with a greater understanding of themselves and their potential.

Inspirational thought-provoking, calming, and soothing all in one. The author does a clear and concise approach to cultivating one's goals and manifesting wildest dreams into a reality. 

What You Should Know About The Author

Mike Dooley is a best-selling author, speaker, and entrepreneur in the philosophical New Thought movement. His teachings contain the powerful premise that our "thoughts become things."

This expression was popularized by Rhonda Byrne in her book and video documentary on the Law of Attraction, The Secret. Mike Dooley's work focuses on helping people to create the life of their dreams by aligning their thoughts and actions with their desired outcomes.

He has written several books on the topic, including Notes from the Universe and Infinite Possibilities. He also offers a free email subscription service called "Tut" which sends subscribers daily affirmations and motivational messages.

Mike Dooley's message is simple but profound: we can create our own reality through our thoughts and actions. By aligning our thoughts and actions with our desired outcomes, we can create anything we want in life.

His work has inspired millions of people around the world to live their dreams. If you're looking for an author that will inspire you to create the life of your dreams, Mike Dooley is a great choice.

Manifestation FAQs

Here are the most frequently asked questions about manifesting.

Where do I start with manifestation?

The first step to manifestation is understanding what it is. Manifestation is the process of creating something through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It's important to remember that we are always manifesting something, whether we're aware of it or not.

Every thought we have creates a vibration that goes out into the universe and attracts back the energy that is in alignment with that thought. So if we want to Manifest our dream life, we need to start by changing our thinking patterns to match our desired reality. 

Which method is best for manifestation?

The best manifestation method is the one that feels good to you and that you can easily stick to. There is no right or wrong answer, as what works for one person might not work for another. Some people prefer to use visualization techniques, while others prefer to focus on positive thinking and mantras. 

Experiment with different methods and see which one works best for you. As long as you stay positive and focused on your goals, you will be able to manifest what you want in life.

What is the 3 6 9 manifestation method?

The 3 6 9 manifestation method is one of the quickest and most powerful manifestation methods out there. All you need to do is follow these three simple steps:

1. Write down your intention for what you want to manifest in detail. Be as specific as possible.

2. Read your intention aloud three times a day – once when you wake up, once at noon, and once before you go to bed. 

3. Every day for nine days, visualize your intention coming true in great detail. Imagine how it feels, what you see around you, and what others are saying to you related to your manifestation. 

The key to this method is consistency – if you can commit to doing it for just nine days, you will start to see results.

What should a beginner manifest?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question - it depends on what you want to manifest in your life. However, some Beginners might want to start with something simple, like more happiness or success in their careers.

Once you get the hang of manifesting, you can then start Manifesting bigger things like a new car or a promotion at work. The sky's the limit! So if you're a beginner, just ask for what you want and be open to receiving it.

How do you write manifestations?

Here are a few tips on how to write effective manifestations: 

1. Get clear on what you want to manifest. The more specific, the better. resist the urge to be vague or general in your wishes. Be as clear and concrete as possible. 

2. Feel worthy of and deserving of what you're trying to manifest. This is key. If you don't believe that you deserve good things, then it will be very difficult to attract them into your life. Practice self-love and acceptance, and let go of any fears or doubts that might be holding you back. 

3. Take inspired action towards your goals. To manifest something, you need to put forth some effort towards making it happen. The more aligned you are with what you want to manifest, the easier it will be to bring it into your reality.

What is the best time to manifest?

The best time to manifest is when you're feeling good.

If you're feeling good, then you're in a positive state of mind, and that's when it's easiest to manifest what you want. When you're feeling bad, it's harder to manifest because your thoughts and energy are focused on negative thinking and things.

So if you want to manifest something, try to do it when you're in a good mood. This will make it easier for the universe to help you out.

What is the quickest way to manifest?

The quickest way to manifest is to practice gratitude. When you are grateful for what you have, the Universe will give you more of what you want. 

How do I know if my manifest is working?

The best way to know if your manifest is working is to track your results. Look at the things you've asked for and assess whether or not you've gotten what you want.

What happens if you manifest too much?

If you manifest too much, you might experience some negative side effects, such as feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, or exhausted. It's important to unlock your subconscious mind and be careful of how much you're manifesting and ensure that you're taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally.

What are manifesting numbers?

Manifesting numbers are believed to be special numbers that can help you manifest your desires. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of manifesting numbers, but many people believe in their power. 

How many times should I repeat my manifestation?

There's no set number of times you should repeat your manifestation – some people find that saying it once is enough, while others say it for weeks or even months on end. The most important thing is to keep focusing on your goal and staying positive, believing that you will achieve success.

What is a moon bath?

Moon baths can refer to taking a bath during the full moon, or bathing in water that has been charged by the light of the moon.

The idea behind moon bathing is that the light of the moon has healing and rejuvenating properties. It's said to help relieve stress, tension headaches, anxiety, PMS symptoms, and emotional problems. 

How do you tell if someone is manifesting you?

One way to tell if someone is manifesting you is if they constantly seem to be in your vicinity, or if they always seem to be calling or texting you. Another sign could be that they're always asking what you're up to and trying to spend time with you.

If someone is manifesting you, they'll likely be very interested in everything about you and will want to know as much as possible.

Best Manifestation Books For You?

Manifestation requires a lot of practice, patience, and profound faith to get the results you want. These books are a good starting point if you want to delve into the practice, and a good tool to improve your manifestation exercises. 

Pick the one that best suits your current situation that you are looking for help on, or read all 5 for a varied experience and overview of the topic of manifestation.

Our personal favorite is “Dear Universe”, as we find the layout of the book elegant and there are meditations for every possible feeling you could imagine. Click here to check it out now on Amazon.

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